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Electives Offered

Clinical electives are offered to international students in their fourth year of medical school. Priority for these positions is given to KU School of Medicine students.

Important information

International students interested in the KU School of Medicine Clinical Electives Program should note the following before applying:

  • Each elective has a maximum number of students allowed. Priority is given to students already enrolled at the University of Kansas Medical Center.
  • Though the list below gives many types of clinical-rotation electives, you are only reserving a space in the program. You cannot immediately reserve a particular rotation elective and must agree to whichever rotation that becomes available.
  • We will confirm a space for you in our program well in advance of your coming, if you meet our requirements and if we have an available slot.
  • About 6-8 weeks prior to the start of the clinical rotation, we may be able to determine the department where you will be working. This delay should be expected due to the KU School of Medicine process.
  • At the time of your acceptance, you are obligated to secure your space with the application fee and accommodation fee, both of which are non-refundable.

Electives Offered to International Students

The following is a list of electives available to international students and not a complete list of all of KU Medical Center's clinical-rotation electives.

Diagnostic Radiology

*DIAG 910 -- Diagnostic Radiology - The student will work in all phases of diagnostic radiology including gastrointestinal, neuroradiology, pediatric radiology, cardiovascular and special procedure radiology.
* This elective is not offered every module. Availability will be determined on an "as received" basis.

Care Gynecology and Obstetrics

GYNO 918 - Gynecologic Oncology - Subject material consists of the clinical science of oncology as applied to malignancies of the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, ovary and trophoblast. The student should be able to describe and define malignancies of the female genital tract in general terms and complete a clinical study in detail in the area of gynecologic oncology. The student will be evaluated by faculty judgment for general information, and a specific assessment of student projects will be performed.


ANES 910 -- Anesthesiology - Students will work in the operating room suite in the mornings under the direct supervision of an instructor in anesthesia and will be made to feel that they are part of the cooperative, expert team caring for each patient. In addition, the basic fundamentals of anesthesiology will be taught by means of lectures, seminars, and conferences in the afternoons, as well as through clinical situations.

Internal Medicine

MED 910 -- Clinical Cardiology - The clerkship in cardiology offers experience in the clinical evaluation and treatment of patients with a variety of cardiovascular problems. The students, as subinterns, will function in the coronary care unit as an integral part in the care of the seriously ill patient with a wide range of problems. The students will make coronary care rounds with one of the members of the cardiology staff, during which time clinical skills in bedside diagnosis, auscultation and palpitation will be emphasized and developed. They will have an opportunity to develop expertise in the interpretation of electrocardiograms on a daily basis.

The treatment of arrhythmias and heart failure will be stressed. They will also have an opportunity to evaluate in-hospital consultations as well as outpatient consultations and to see postoperative follow-up patients. They will have an opportunity to follow patients through cardiac catheterization procedures and to participate in the computations and assessment of the catheterization date. Indications for cardiovascular operations will be emphasized in weekly conferences.

MED 920 -- Advanced Gastroenterology - This clerkship is directed toward specific problems of gastrointestinal disease. The clinical clerk is involved in ward care and ward work, including admission work-up of patients, their daily care, staff rounds, X-ray interpretation, treatment of specific GI disease, long term therapy, and follow-up in the outpatient clinic. The clerk is supervised by the GI resident or fellows and can participate in special GI procedures on patients, such as endoscopy and motility studies. The clerk is instructed in proctoscopy until he/she has mastered this as a routine procedure.

MED 930 -- Clinical Hematology - This will consist of inpatient and outpatient care, dealing with all types of hematologic disorders. The student will be given experience and instruction in morphology of peripheral blood and bone marrow. Weekly conferences, didactic and participating study sessions with the hematology staff will be conducted.

MED 970 -- Clinical Oncology - The student participates actively in the care of the oncology patient on an in- and outpatient basis. This includes consultation rounds. Clinical investigation with both conventional and experimental drugs will be stressed and an opportunity to treat patients by protocols will be given.

MED 980 -- Clinical Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology - Students will participate in the weekly KUMC allergy and rheumatology outpatient clinics, as well as assist in subspecialty inpatient consultations. They will perform medical evaluations, select appropriate diagnostic procedures and define specific therapy on assigned patients under the supervision of the staff. They will receive an orientation of clinical immunologic tests in current use and be expected to interpret the results of these appropriately. Regular lectures by the staff are given in the areas of clinical immunology. With guidance, they will choose a topic appropriate for seminar presentation at the end of this clerkship.

MED 995 -- Dermatology - This course is composed of outpatient clinic experience, tutorial sessions utilizing audiovisual aids extensively, and inpatient teaching rounds, as well as frequent review of pertinent aspects of dermatological allergy, microbiology, and histopathology. There will be opportunities to attend special weekly dermatological basic science lectures and grand rounds. Acquired skills in dermatological diagnosis (disease recognition, as well as analytical reasoning, or "problem solving") and in dermatological therapy will be evaluated by such means as oral quizzes and a written examination, but the final appraisal of each student will always be individualized.


NEUR 931 -- Clinical Neurology - Students will be responsible for working up the patients entering the neurology service at KUMC, attending general neurology clinics and working up patients on the consultation service under resident and staff supervision. Their main focus will be learning the elements of the neurological examination and its interpretation. They will also participate in conferences and seminars on topics in neurology (pediatric neurology, neuropathology) and be introduced to the use of neuroradiological procedures, electroencephalography and use of current literature.


OTOR 911 -- Clinical Otolaryngology - The objectives of this course are to acquaint the students with the examination of the anatomical areas and cavities of the head and neck. Recognition of clinical signs and symptoms peculiar to these areas would be taught with tutorial advice immediately available. To accomplish this objectively and realistically, the student will work in the outpatient clinic with residents and members of the staff The student will also participate in evening rounds and in seminars This course offers the students basic understanding of disorders of the head and neck region.


PAON 921 -- Diagnostic Pathology - This elective is designed to introduce the student to the practice of pathology and the role of the pathologist in diagnosis and management and will provide exposure to several subspecialty areas within the pathology department. An effort will be made to tailor the elective experience to the needs and interests of the individual student, including those interested in pathology as a career, and those interested in broadening their understanding of pathology in general, or in relation to their chosen field. The course consists of a two-week rotation in surgical pathology/autopsy, a one-week rotation in hematopathology, and a one-week rotation in cytopathology. The student will work closely with the pathology residents, fellows and faculty on service. In surgical pathology, students will have the opportunity to partake in a range of experiences, including supervised prosection of surgical specimens, microscopic evaluations, frozen section evaluations, ancillary techniques, and participation in the "sign-out" of surgical cases with the attending staff.

Participation in autopsy procedures will take place as available. In hematopathology, the student will participate in the diagnosis of blood and bone marrow disorders and take part in daily sign-out of bone marrow biopsy specimens. In cytology, the student will assist in the work up and sign out of gynecologic and non-gynecologic cytologic specimens and participate in FNA procedures. At the end of the rotation, each student will present an interesting case they encounter during a formal PowerPoint presentation to faculty and residents.


SURG 912 -- General Surgery - This is a clerkship at the KU Medical Center, in which the student proceeds to the study of surgical diseases and treatment in a more specific and in-depth exposure than in the Basic Surgery Clerkship (Surgery 900). The student is assigned to an instructor; studies an area of interest in-depth within the field of general surgery, i.e., gastrointestinal, peripheral vascular, endocrine, thoracic, etc; participates in the care of selected patients in the ward, clinic and operating room, and assists in the experimental laboratory if desired. The student also participates in the surgical and multidisciplinary conferences in which clinical problems are related to the basic sciences. Evaluation is based on clinical performance.

SURG 913 -- Plastic Surgery - The medical student participates as an intern, functioning in the clinics, wards and operating room as an integral part of the service. Evaluation is based on clinical performance.

SURG 914 -- Orthopedic Surgery - The principles of orthopedic evaluation and care are emphasized. Responsibility is to function as an extern in the clinics, the wards and the operating room. Evaluation is based on clinical performance.

SURG 916 -- Surgical Oncology - This rotation for medical students at a clinical level is designed to expose the student to procedures and techniques of modern surgical oncology. This experience includes: (1) Seeing all surgical oncology inpatient and outpatient consultations with the staff, (2) Operating room observation and participation with major cancer ablative procedures; e.g., radical lymphadenectomies, pelvic exenteration, major organ resections, etc., (3) Clinical and laboratory exposure to immunotherapy and basic cancer immunology, (4) Exposure to special chemotherapeutic procedures; e.g., arterial infusion and perfusion, (5) Attendance at the combined medical surgical conference. The specific duties for each individual student is defined at the beginning of each module and will be changed to fit the specific needs and desires of each student. Evaluation is based on clinical performance.

SURG 917 -- Urologic Surgery - This course is limited to one medical student at a time who has completed the Basic Surgery Clerkship, Surgery 900. Experience consists of care and evaluation of outpatients and inpatients requiring urologic diagnosis. Tutorial instruction and conferences are the prevalent means of instruction. Evaluation is based on clinical performance.

SURG 918 -- Neurologic Surgery - The principles of patient care and the physiological basis of neurological diagnosis are stressed. Experience consists of care and evaluation of outpatients and inpatients requiring neurosurgical diagnosis and treatment. Evaluation is based on clinical performance.

Academic and Student Affairs

University of Kansas Medical Center
Office of International Programs
1017, 1018 & 1019 Dykes
Academic Affairs
Mail Stop 3033
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160