Immunization Requirements
International students who want to participate in the KU School of Medicine Clinical Electives Program need to meet specific requirements regarding tuberculous (TB) screening.
Clinical Elective Program (four weeks or less)
International students who will be coming to the United States from a WHO TB endemic country will be required to submit a copy of a chest x-ray film, with a report (in English) taken within 6 months of the scheduled elective.
International students coming from a WHO non-endemic TB country must have ONE TB skin test in their home country and ONE TB skin test after arriving to KU Medical Center. There is no cost for the test if taken at Student Health.
Clinical Elective Program (four weeks or more)
International students completing an elective program that is more than four weeks are required to report to KUMC Student Health during orientation for a Quantiferon TB Test. This applies to students from both endemic and non-endemic TB countries. The Quantiferon TB Test costs $65. Any student with a positive Quantiferon test result will have to complete a chest x-ray.
For more information concerning TB or the testing, please contact International Programs.