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Personal Training Overview

You don't have to do it alone. We can help!

Personal training is a great way to kickstart your workout program or enhance your current exericse routine. Kirmayer boasts a highly qualified training staff, ready to assist you towards reaching your fitness and health goals. Remove the guess work from getting fit!

We offer 30- and 60-minute sessions for individuals, duos and small groups. Review our pricing information here.

Follow these easy steps to get started
  1. Complete the pre-activity screening packet, informed consent and medical clearance waiver/assumption of full risk forms. (Males>44 years of age, females >54 years of age and those considered medically high risk must provide medical clearnce or assume all risk)
  2. Wait for a Kirmayer staff member to contact you for scheduling. (Trainer assignment will be based upon your exercise goals and availability)
  • All services must be paid for prior to completing training sessions.
  • All personal training sessions expire one year from the purchase date.
  • Sessions are non-refundable and non-transferable, except in the case of documented medical circumstances.
  • A 24-hour cancellation policy is required. Cancellations not made 24-hours in advance may result in the loss of a session.
  • To cancel, contact your trainer directly or call 913-588-1532.

Personal Training COVID-19 Protocols

Review our current personal training policies (pdf) due to COVID-19 precautions.

For questions, contact Lita Masterson via email or phone at or 913-588-8200.