Development Opportunities
We want to support our postgraduate students as they embark on the next phase of their careers. We primarily offer this through ASCEND, but are always looking for input on what you would most like to see as other professional development opportunities.
Achieving Successful Careers, Exploring New Directions (ASCEND)
Modeled after the NIH BEST model of training, ASCEND provides graduate students and postdoctoral trainees the opportunity to explore diverse career options and build the skills to successfully launch the next phase of their careers. Visit the ASCEND website to learn more about the program, access an archive of ASCEND workshops, and find upcoming events.
On Demand Learning
On Demand Learning is provided through Beyond Graduate School and Beyond the Professoriate platforms. These platforms provide guidance on job search strategies, effective networking and career exploration. View more information about these platforms and the schedule for their upcoming live events at the KU Professional Development website. View our access guide to log in to these online platforms.
Other Programs
We frequently have the opportunity to present other career and professional development sessions, including guest speakers, networking events and writing workshops.
ASCEND Workshops
Learn more about ASCEND events and how to sign up for the next one!