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Chancellor's Club Teaching Professorship

Award Criteria and Eligibility

The Chancellor's Club Teaching Professorship is an accolade awarded to esteemed individuals who have exhibited consistent excellence in teaching. This recognition honors those who have demonstrated outstanding teaching competence, innovation in teaching methodologies, and dedication to education over a prolonged period. The application should highlight the nominee’s significant and sustained impact on student learning. There are many outstanding educators at the University of Kansas Medical Center, successful nominees must demonstrate contributions that extend beyond the classroom and traditional teaching modalities. Educational Leadership will be strongly considered by the committee.

Chancellor's Club Teaching Professorship Nomination Form

Nominations for 2024 are due on August 9th.

Each nomination must include several key criteria:

  • Faculty status and academic rank: The nominee must be a non-volunteer faculty member with a major role in teaching our learners. Strong preference is for nominees to hold the rank of Professor, although Associate Professors may be considered for this recognition.
  • Level of teaching: The nominee must be involved in the teaching of undergraduate medical, nursing or health professions students, graduate or other professional students and have demonstrated outstanding skills and outcomes as an educator. Nominee must be recognized for extraordinary teaching as measured by quality, quantity, innovation, and scholarship. Successful nominees must demonstrate contributions that extend beyond the classroom and traditional teaching modalities. Educational Leadership will be strongly considered by the committee.
  • Length of service: The Chancellor's Club Teaching Professorship is designed to recognize a distinguished career in teaching, with a minimum requirement of ten years of teaching service to the University of Kansas Medical Center. Faculty considered for this award are typically tenured, although those in the Clinical Scholar Track with the requisite years of service may also be eligible.

**Department chairs and those with administrative appointments usually have a reduced teaching load and are eligible for nomination only if it is documented convincingly that they have a full-time role in educational activities. In these cases, teaching evaluations may be omitted in place of clear evidence of impact on educational programs.

**Those who already hold another named or university professorship are not eligible for nomination.

Award Stipend

Recipients hold these professorships, which carry an annual stipend of $10,000, for a five-year period, renewable annualy after peer review to assure continued extraordinary activity as teachers and full-time faculty members at the University of Kansas Medical Center.

Nomination Process and Timeline

Each nomination must include all of the following:

  • Nomination letter: Letter should summarize the faculty member’s worthiness for receiving this award, formal teaching responsibilities and voluntary additional teaching, if any.
  • Departmental chair recommendation letter: Evaluations and/or recommendations from the nominee's departmental chair (or dean from School of Nursing).
  • Letters or statements from colleagues: Letters or statements addressing the quality of the nominee's teaching and other educational contributions. Statements from faculty outside of the nominee's school or department are encouraged but not required. No more than four of these letters will be accepted.
  • Letters or statements from students and others: Letters from current and former students, alumni and associates outside the university. No more than four of these letters will be accepted.
  • Teaching evaluations: Teaching evaluations, limited to last five years, both by colleagues and students, should be submitted in a quantity and format appropriate to the field. A summary of evaluations should be included showing mean scores among peer evaluations, with peer names redacted.
  • Scholarship: Nomination should include evidence of the scholarly activity of the nominee, particularly as it relates to excellence in teaching. This can be explained in nomination, supporting letters and documented in the Curriculum Vitae.
  • Curriculum VitaeThe nomination packet must include a current, detailed copy of the nominee's Curriculum Vitae which contains full information on the nominee's teaching and research career.

Previous Recipients

Award Recipient



Year Awarded

V. Gustavo Blanco, M.D., Ph.D.

Molecular & Integrative Physiology, SOM

School of Medicine


Joseph D. Fontes, Ph.D.

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, SOM

School of Medicine


Gary S. Gronseth, M.D., FAAN

Neurology, SOM

School of Medicine


Robert M. Klein, Ph.D.

Anatomy & Cell Biology

School of Medicine


Jeff Radel, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, Professor, SHP

School of Health Professions


Cynthia S. Teel, Ph.D., RN, FAAN

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Professor, SON

School of Nursing


Faculty Affairs and Career Development

University of Kansas Medical Center
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